Ms. Evette Fun

Head of Department (English) - MACRO Academy

Evette graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Sociology and is a proud recipient of the Dean’s List. She traversed the corporate world and explored various roles before realising that the classroom was where her heart belonged. Her personal journey cemented the belief that, wherever possible, one should never settle until they find something they truly love.

With this conviction, Evette first foray in education began at The Learning Lab, where she guided hundreds of students annually to achieve their desired grades. Inspired by the great mentors in her life, she is committed to nurturing young minds to think critically, empowering them to become effective communicators and confident problem-solvers. At MACRO, she works closely with a team of dedicated teachers and curriculum writers, ensuring that the teaching quality is upheld and that the curriculum meets students’ needs and expectations.